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You Are Not Alone

Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience and is a atural response to loss, how you grieve depends on many factors, strength of character, faith, life, experiences and the nature of your loss.
Remember that crying is a natural reaction and not a weakness, it is an acknowledgement of loss, there is no normal timetable for grieving, be patient with yourself and allow the grief process to naturally unfold.

Grief as a roller coaster

"Grief can be compared

to a roller coaster

full of ups and downs,

highs and lows -

the ride eventually

levels out and

so will your grief."

Loss Affects People In Different Ways
The Death of someone close is a shock even following a long illness, you may feel almost paralysed by it, everything seems unreal and remote and that everything is at a distance,
this feeling can last a long time, some find it helpful to keep busy, involving themselves with things that have to be done.
A significant loss can trigger a host of worries and fears, you may
feel anxious, helpless, or even insecure, you may even have panic attacks, The death of a loved one can trigger fears about your own mortality, and facing life without that person or the responsibilities that you will face alone.
Grief can make you feel angry against doctors, hospitals, family members or even the funeral director for taking your loved one away. You may feel shocked at your own feelings but these will pass.
Physical Symptoms
We often think of grief as a strictly emotional process, but grief often involves physical problems, this can include: fatigue, nausea, lowered immunity, weight loss or weight gain, aches and pains, and insomnia.
Profound sadness is probably the most universally experienced symptom. You may have feelings of emptiness, despair, yearning or extreme loneliness.
Guilt can be felt for all sorts of reasons, Regrets about things said or not said, done or not done.  Feeling relief following a long or difficult illness can result in a guilty feeling.



Age UK Norfolk

Bereavement support for 50's and over

0300 500 1217


Big C

Bereavement through Cancer

01603 286112


Cruse Bereavement Care  

One to one support  

0808 808 1677


WAY - Widowed and Young

For people under 50









A listening service for everyone

116 123


Nelsons Journey  

Supporting young children through bereavement  

01603 431788


Child Bereavement UK

Supporting bereaved children

up to 25 years of age

0800 0288 840



Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity

0808 164 3332







The information and contacts provided on this page is provided for information and guidance only.

Gowards Funeral Services do not endorse these contacts or accept any responsilbility for the information that they may provide.


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© 2016 by Gowards Funeral Services Ltd


Gowards Funeral Services Limited. Registered in England and Wales.

Company Registration Number: 04673959  Registered Office: 26 Market Place, Swaffham, Norfolk. PE37 7QH

Registered Directors:  H. Goward. A.Goward-Pearce    Co. Secretary: P. Cook

 Gowards Funeral Services are LGBTQ+ friendly
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